Day By Day

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

by telling you!

koler koler koler. he seriously can not get out of my life even if he tries! we cant avoid each other cuz it doesnt work. he is always going to his locker right as im passing it, or walking into english class the exact same time as me. Or after track almost everyday he walks out the boys lockerroom right when i walk out the  girls lockerroom and i have to pass him sitting there to go to my car, usually i give him a smile or say hi, and of course he ignores me or maybe he doesnt even see me! anyway, i wish we could stop crossing paths, but it freaking doesnt work! Its not like i try to avoid him though, but seriously fate is throwing us together ha

The funny thing is, when i dont think about him then i dont miss him, and then it goes about a week and people start talking about him to me and then i start thinking about him and then i miss him and want to talk to him, but not this time! of course i miss him, but this time im not gonna ever let myself contact him, well until i know i can handle it. I wanna be friends with him but it doesnt work. we are either nothing or something! well torreys got to go do hw! i just ate like 5 pieces of pizza and i feel sick! ugh why did i do that?! xoxo chicas! t


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