Day By Day

Monday, May 16, 2011

the mighty t

heyo girlys, i just cant stop rocking out to my amazing music as i do my homework! im even in such a good mood that i actually put up with listening  to keke palmer on pandora! ha but my pandora is like almost used up for this month and its only like the 16th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOO annoying, so im stuck with grooveshark. Ummm so i need to do my homework and im babbling, but im super bored and dont know what to do. Okay i need to stop making these un-readable sentences as of NOW!
I actually really like what we are talking about in health about relationships. Its fun to me, and i mean i dont really need to learn about relationships for me, but its fun to talk about in class:) I really want my phone back also but i dont think im gonna get it back soon:( anyway i also like romeo and juliet, i dont care what everyone else thinks about it, but i think its cute! (yes very cheesy at times too, but its been alot of fun!!) also i think koler is over me. Oh and thats not a bad thing! Its just an observation. I mean hes totally chill around me, or he just avoids me, and he never looks at me or anything....and im happy for him, but i also cant stop thinking about him. Not like im in love with him again or anything, but i just wonder if he is over me. then again, i have talked about him so much on this blog, i feel bad to bore you with more of the EXACT same details hahah but this is also a place for me to vent so its okay and yall need to suck it up! Mackie we will continue convos of this type tomorrow night...:P OH AND YOU KNOW WHATS ANNOYING??? Phoebe, everyday at track, and even more at the meets is like "Koler is like my bestie" "hes so nice  to me" "erin dont dis him hes my friend" "koler is my best bud!" "koler was saying this about..." "Koler koler koler"! Woman i dont care if you guys are besties! YOU DONT HAVE TO TELL ME EVERYDAY! But i love that little girl, so i dont care much ha. actually i dont even think she does it like that in reality, but to me it seems like it because....well you know its just....oh gosh im not making sense anymore! Oops..........................okay well i should probably go! EXCITED FOR DIVISIONALS! ella if you dont have a soccer game, they would prob love for you to come to divisionals! I mean isnt your time like faster than erins in the 300hurdles??? anywho love you all, xoxo the mighty t:)

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