Day By Day

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Im tired. Tres fatigue.  And the week is closing.  One more day.  And then..she will sleep. 
oh you bring out the best (and worst) of us.  I am SO happy.  We all placed. 
Third? Im stoked.  Whatevs. First? for tor and mac? holy shit.  Words can't express:P
the kid who got 2nd in my category very well may drop out...and then i would take his place.
AND GO TO ORLANDO! id be okay with it because i tied (three way) with the butt.
the test screwed me....oh well.
for now, i wait. my future (if there is one involving a trip to orlando) will be revealed tmrw.
fngers crossed. sorta. 
personally, i had a shitty day. do i wanna talk about it? and realize the true meaning of what caused such feelings?
no not really.
i'll leave it at that. 

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