Day By Day

Sunday, February 27, 2011

if you are allergic to mean words dont read this:)

wow okay so i havent posted on here in a while! its really annoying i know because i have totally been slacking! but now i will make up for it and post every single day!!!!!!!! woohoo!!!!! so today ella and i made cupcakes and im sick feeling now but thats okay because i like cupcakes:p i also went to the hockey game last night! what an experience! i have never watched hockey before haha and i actually got a little into it:p hehe and then there was a fight and that pretty much made my whole evening better, and yeah thats all i really cared about hehe but it was cold!  anywho im excited for tomorrow idk why but  i am. okay i need to get back to doing homework, and ruining my picture of a hamster for art! xoxo chica boos love yall soooo much! and macks i missed you like CCAAA-RAZZZYY! hahah sorta:p jk anwho yeah im going....

ps. okay and please excuse the following language:

so the translation of asshole in french is: "con" hahah
so when you type in "con" into google translater it comes up with a buncha words haha and id just like to share them with you:
    1. cunt
    2. asshole
    3. prick
    4. pussy
    5. sod
    6. twat
    7. bugger
    8. shithead
    9. turd
    10. shitass
    11. pillock
    12. plonker

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