Day By Day

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


OH yes, we are all the proud new owners of a brand spankin new deca medal! it is a party and a half! That trip was a lot of fun but extremely nerve wracking and tiring. i am officially exhausted, but i figured id blog a bit before heading off to bed. Except i still have to do math, i got everything else done. im pretty happy, but i think my parents are more excited than i am. i am shocked at how well all of us did! freshman represent! haha hopefully ella and caroline will get to go to orlando too!
yeah so caroline, im not quite sure what your problem is, and its really annoying me that you are being so pissy if im being perfectly honest. nobody actually did anything to you, but whatever we did to make you so angry, we apologize sincerely. so there, i think if you could just stop being mad that would be lovely. i will talk to all you lovely people tommorrow!
L'amore et le baisers pour mon petite canards!

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