Day By Day

Sunday, February 6, 2011

long and lovely, baby!

haha true we are not seniors....random much?:p well im working on art and shading, and i just sent mackidymack deca stuff..its so confusing!!!! but yeah im getting nervous but im super excited! i have a feeling this week is going to go very fast! which is actually a very very good thing...any parties next weekend??? actually i hope not because then ill be dead for deca haha so anyone else bored,but forced to do hw??????? So the sleepover was super fun (thanks marlow!!!!!!!) but i feel like crap!!!!!!!! ella we talked about this hahah and i really want to go hang out in my steam shower (just for the steam, because steam rooms are so heavenly!). oh my mom said we are for sure getting a hot tub this summer. and ive waited so long for this! so it has to be perfect! we are making it like all tile i think, and im pretty sure she wants it to be like square and huge...sorta like ones at a nice hotel! cuz then it wont get all slimy like some plastic ones do! anywho im excited!!!!! too bad i couldnt go to costco today...but im happy i didnt because im pooped! wow i know im totally rambling......umm guys dont tell this to the world, but i cant stop thinking about koler. yeah i know, and i just feel sick to my stomach because its like reality that he likes someone more than me, and its like hard to accept that i guess ya know? like before i just put all this on the back burner and ignored it but i cant so i just wanna totally get over him but i cant! but dont worry i dont want to like get back with him, haha im not gonna turn into that cyco ex girlfriend that like kills her ex's new gf and like...well yeah haha im just gonna lay low and FIX MYSELF!!!!! hahah but i just gotta say, when it comes to my "love" life, i feel more lost than so glad i have all of you! im seriously serious...seriously! hha but for reals, i dont know what i would do without yall to talk to. And its like sucha great feeling to be able to talk to people about anything at all, ya know? like i have nothing to hide, and i always have fun with you guys, and we are all so comfortable with each other its just like so amazingly awesome!!! feeling the vibe, yeah i know! haha but yeah i gotta go see what everyones up to in my family now haha xoox love you all dearly, have a happy happy superbowl sunday! and dont over work yourselves, torrey:)

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