Day By Day

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oh me oh my

Hey y'all.
I am now a cowgirl
how do you like that hoe?
so anyways, thank goodness for sundays. I was gone all day yesterday, friday, and thursday for stupid basketball. but guess what? its over! booyah! yeah, so now i am doing homework, relaxing, and cleaning. sounds wonderful, eh? ok it should not be snowing. its fricken march. how annoying. what did i miss in french on friday? torrey or ella please lemme know? So yeah, i have nothing going on in life and its really annoying and boring. and theres still a month til spring break so we have all of march to look forward to nothingness. someone please tell me something exciting is happening? and i also second the below statement. yeah so im gonna go do my science outline..

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