Day By Day

Thursday, December 1, 2011


balls.  only 2 days at school this week, and the first has managed to be pretty much not very fun.  Okay, it had it's good moments, but i seriously am so overwhelmed.  loads of homework, including a math assignment that has already brought me to tears, and it doesn't stop there.  50 pages of to kill a mockingbird--just because bert thinks we have NO OTHER HOMEWORK....he assigns chapters 12-15 TONIGHT.  well fuck you, i'm going to spark notes. and on top of that, my computer = dead.  crashed, and gone to heaven, never coming back. it's DONE.  even best buy's finest confirmed it.  so now, i'm computerless, and on my way to hopeless.  you know what would have been the perfect remedy to all this bull$*%$?  skiing.  oh yeah...........the mountain isn't opening this weekend. 
 but it never helps to dwell on the negative, here's what was good about today.

one, i got to see all your loverly faces! (which i missed, implicetly)  two, i got an A on my english essay, which i was definitely not expecting/deserving of!  three, i drove around for like two hours with my dad and went shopping at target; he's quite the shopper, you know.  four, i had thai soup for dinner.  five, my grandma sent us one long home video of all my aunts and uncles (including my pops) childhoods and it's so funny to watch! six, we're playing pickleball in gym, but it really doesn't compare to badmiton.  seven, it's confirmed that i get to go to australia this summer! pretty neat right? 

i guess im not in that bad of a mood after all!
alright, i blogged. 

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