Day By Day

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


So im hanging out, alone, at home, watching all of my recorded shows. LAAAZZYYY. Haha well being that i woke up at 12:15...what else am i supposed to do when im in a sleep coma?!? HOWEVER, the exciting thing is that right now, i am typing on my new laptop. Well, my dads extra laptop that is now mine as of yesterday! I love it(: and im eating chocolate. I wanna travel!! So i am just blabbering....ummm oh i forgot! CHRISTMAS! I had a super fun christmas, and i baked all day with my mom, and then we had a little party with our neighbors and another family with an adorable little 7 year old girl! It was fun(: I got some clothes, some fun stuff, and then my dad gave me some skis! But it has a twist, the skis are mens skis, and they are too big for my dad. They are 3 year old, unused, and limited edition. For a while, my dad wanted me to start up an ebay account and sell a bunch of stuff, and i would  get like 30% of the sale. So this is like my "big push" to start out, and the cool thing is that i get all of the money! around $700(: but i have to sell them first haha. As you also may know, i just sold my tele skis and made $600 and it all went into my bank account...may help with a car someday!! Alright im off to go watch Scouted...not a bad show(: love love love t(:

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