Day By Day

Sunday, December 25, 2011

really? noones gunna blog on christmas eve? come on people lets not pretend that we have better things to do than blog on this fine Christmas morning(:  So first christmas that lauren doesnt believe in santa this year.. depressing depressing depressing. She still found the need to wake me and allie up at 730 to open presents.. ive never understood the appeal of waking up super early on christmas morning.  Wont the presents still be there after my 12+ hours of sleep?!! it boggles my mind.. oh well..(: santa brought me a new laptop! why you ask? because my mom lost mine. haha she would (: but i like this one better anyways!
hope santa was good to all of you! (:
i am so lucky to have all you lovely ladies in my life (:
love you (:

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