Day By Day

Thursday, December 29, 2011


HEY HEY HEY BEAUTIFUL LADIES. Hear that?? B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. I love you all so much...and i miss you guys tons! I have been soooooo lazy. Maybe we should change that. Well maybe. Haha anyway, this blog is purely focused on responding to that last blog. There is no need for any of us to ever feel insecure! Sure, we all do feel insecure about ourselves sometimes. Uglier, fatter, shorter, not as funny, not as likable, not as unique. And it sucks!! But the thing is, if we are all feeling insecure about each other compared to one another, then whats the point?? We shouldnt compare ourselves to others...but its so darn hard! Well ladies, I want you all to know that I think you all are so beautiful, so funny, and so unique.Guess what? I will admit that I will look at you 4 sometimes, and be like DAMN I WISH I WAS THAT TALL and ect. But that okay  to me(: (and i have a possibility of growing hahah). Anyway, lets not compare ourselves to anyone, especially each other. Because we should be the ones supporting each other, not making one another feel down about themselves. Kisses my lovely ladies, and feel my love(: xxxx Torrey

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