Day By Day

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanks for Food(:

We have been neglecting our baby...and on one of the biggest holidays in America, we dont even update each other on how our day was!!! So heres the update: go on facebook and look at my thanksgiving album...see my little cousins! They are adorable and so sweet, Cici is the little girl and Dimitris is the little boy. Hes my favorite ever(: haha i also have like mmm 4 other toddler cousins and many other cousins of various ages(: there were 50 people there and not even everyone came! So much fun to be with family!(: anyway, i love dimitris and i played with him all all all night! Background: I may have told you guys about Dimitris before, but that would have been like a year and a half ago when i last saw him...and he was a tiny baby... Anyway: My aunt and her husband are foster parents (and also have 3 kids of their own, 2 who are adults now...). So 1 and a half years ago they got 2 new little kids, Koby and Dimitris (Koby is 7 and Dimitris is 20 months old(: They were only supposed to have the kids for 3 months but none of the kids family members want them. Their mom is an indian from browning, and Koby and Dimitris both have different none of the mothers relatives want Koby because he is to old and demanding, and they wont even acknowledge Dimitris because he is black, and doesnt look indian.   It is so sad! anyway, dimitris is a coke baby, and he hardly sleeps and is a very hard baby to take care of...but he is the sweetest most caring thing in the world! He is so happy(: I hope they adopt him! Anyway i ate tons and tons and fell in love with my toddler cousins(: xoxo T 

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