Day By Day

Friday, November 4, 2011


whooooohoooo!  97s and 98s in all my classes so far! 100.74 in conflict baby! Marlow i love that class(: Anyway, today sucked for me....alot. but now im home in my sweats, and i have finally gotten myself completely relaxed and for the first time today i feel good(: I need to pack, and i  cant wait to just relax and be studious this weekend(: i dont even feel like being i may not even hang out with meeee man.  I have a load of work to do because of stuff for my mom for london, home chore stuff because everyone is gonna be gone from the house for a week, schoolwork, and then getting all of my things ready to leave on monday. It was cute today how everyone wished me happy birthday, it was wierd though because i feel like my birthday is so far off, but it isnt! And i forgot we dont have school on monday, so i thought that they wouldnt have put my birthday in the announcements yet....but i was wrong haha which is all good with me(: Anyway you all should say something interesting on here because i have blogged too many times in a row. I just needed to do something easy and relaxing. So kisses from me, <3t

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