Day By Day

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Okay...i needed to break this lonnggg stretch of anti-blogging. 

Italy, in less than 24 hours guys! I really don't want to leave!  I fucked up anything that I could have had with connor. It ended with a melancholy text...need you know more?
So I should be really excited, and I will be, once im there.  I feel like now is the one point of my summer that I should be around for.  Things would have been different. 
But im going to stop feeling sorry for
It's a B-E-A-UTIFUL day out here.  We are just an hour away from dropping of the brother at camp!  He's so excited:) I miss it there.  So much! I think next year im for sure going to do a sailing week or SOMETHING!
Torrey, your dad gave my dad your old pink sparkly nailpolished nano so he could learn some songs off it for their garage band. Last night i plugged it in and fell asleep listening to one of your playlists...i think it was aqualung:) so thanks for that. 
Alright. that's all i really care like sharing.

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