Day By Day

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

culture shocked

hahaha for some reason the main page for our blog site is in italian. good thing i know how to make a new post by heart.  mackie...why are you thinking about school? stop it! please:P
so im in italy.  and i almosstt saw tor tor!! like we were just a terminal away from each other.  it was pretty damn cool:) im in a milano! it's gorgeous.  the plane over here was emptyy so i got an entire row to sprawl out....and im actually not even that jet lagged! or is it jet legged. i dont know.
 flying economy wasn't so bad after all!  and weirdest thing ever.. one of the flight attendants was from romania, and now lives in missoula! she'd never heard of our town.  haha figures.
so im supposed to be taking a nap...and it's only like 10 in the morning back home.  and yet 6 in the evening here! crazy shit. 
there are a lot of bikes here. 
and thats all i really have to say about that. 
xoxo E

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