Day By Day

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I haven't blogged for a month. WHATTTTT?!

Hey babies:)
soooo, this whold, "lets not blog all summer, and lets not hang out, and lets become completely and utterly wrapped up in our own stupid existence that we neglect our best friends" business is not working out for me.
I neeeeeed my girls!!!!
Tor and Ella! I havent seen you guys (besides our skype session, ella) for literally the ENTIRE summer. Ridick. That's about to change, kay?
SO update on my life: I just got back from Flathead (Tanner<3) with marlow, and my cousins are staying with me for the week since my parents stayed.
and last week was our trip to sanfran, and let me tell you (ella and mar mar already know) it was one of the most emotional weeks of my WHOLE LIFE. and this is why:
Nuff Said.
So yeah, I am kinda going into panic mode because we have school in 21 days. I am soooooooooooo not ready. But whatevs, I shall survive. Tor I think youre coming home today, and I want to hear all about your world travels ASAP. Speaking of ASAP, ella, we need another skype, soon:) gotcha? Ok y'all, I am out!
Peace in the middle east, yo!
I heart all of you to death.
Mack Dawg.

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